Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Story #196 - Running

The first step.
The first gust of air.
The first taste of saliva.
The first smile.

Freedom is often said
to be based on where you live,
but how you do it is more important.

Running is one of the few
forms that makes people equal.
It brings togetherness, joy,
unity, and sustainability.

Whether you're on the verge
of collapsing or winning,
there will be someone there
clapping, shouting, pushing you
onward and onward,
until you finish and get
that fist raised in the air.
The fist of a champion.

Bored at home or work?
Just go for it.
Somebody annoyed you?
Just sprint it.
Wanna punch someone?
Run with you jaw clenched.
If it won't make you smile,
it might make others.

The moment you hit the pavement
and start shuffling as your sweat grows,
as you're breathing faster and faster,
as you're wanting this more and more.

You're smiling at the person you like
in a different way to this.
This is that smile of something
that's only inside you.

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