Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Story #119 - Consumerism

Has anyone ever wondered why we all keep buying stuff we don't need?
You buy a guitar because you might want to learn it, but then you sell it due to a lack of time and talent. A loss of money.
You buy alcohol to feel good, then you end up drunk. You buy some greasy food that usually contains meat like chicken or pork, and eat to get your bearings back. Some people take some pills beforehand, and their hangovers aren't as troublesome.
You go to a strip club and spend absurd amounts on a girl who will shake her cups for you. You're not allowed to touch. And you have the permission to get a kick out of it.
You buy drugs for the same purpose you buy alcohol. However, this thing will mess with your mind. You will sell your valuables, your body, your sister's body, your friends, for a small slice of happiness. That isn't there.
A new TV pops up with a price-tag of four digits, and they all want you to buy it. What does that have that your usual TV doesn't? Do you really need those extra tidbits? Your life was just fine without them, right?
And no, you're not wasting your money on these things, you're wasting your time. By the time you realize that, you're over a certain age, people look at you with different eyes, and you wonder how you can change yourself.

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