Saturday, 8 November 2014

Part 2 of my debut @ Political Pageantry

Here's part 2, the one with the video.

As I was mentioning, this reminded me of Podul (The Attic) by its lovely setting. 

Okay, not very similar, as Podul doesn't have a raised stand like ORLT, but they both have that pleasant and united atmosphere, where you know something good will go down.

Back to the story. When I arrived, I was in high spirits because I knew it was going to be good, although I had some doubts in the back of my head due to not knowing every word. Rewriting the whole thing just minutes prior can do that to you.

The compere, Charles Barrett, was rehearsing a bit. It sounded good. And he encouraged me during the event, telling me how the Brits kinda act like in football, which was on spot (they were cheery at times, but stone-faced at others).
I got acquainted with most of them. Some of them were in their performing mood, some were chilling. 
Time flew by, and before I knew it, people came in. Oh, boy.

I started sweating a bit just by looking at them. So much so that my t-shirt got messed up (hence why I'm with my hands in my back pockets. Never, ever, do that on stage.)

I was supposed to be the last guy in the first act. Thankfully, the guy appeared and gave the best performance of the night.

How the heck do you top that after a 15 minute break, huh?

Regardless, you can watch the (somewhat) cringing video below.

I didn't feel that great after the show, but I felt at ease because I performed for the first time in 2 years and 5 months. With material that I wrote. 

Until the next time.

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